One of the downsides to MobileTerminal is that it doesn't support copy and paste. You can direct the output to a file and open it later to copy the contents if needed, but I worked out a solution that I like better; pipe the output to Prowl.
The output is sent over the internet to the Prowl notification service which then sends it to your phone in the form of a push notification. It's a strange way of getting the output, but it's sure handy.
All you need to do is get the output into a variable, then use curl to post it to the Prowl API. The best way to do capture the input from a pipe is with "< /dev/stdin", which works on my computer but does not work on the phone, so I had to use "cat -"
I named the script "i", so whenever I want to use it, I just add "| i" on the command line and the output goes to Prowl, e.g: echo "Hello World" | i
#! /bin/sh
out=$(cat -)
curl -k -d apikey=XXXXX -d application="pipe" -d description="$out"
iPhone and Linux